Advanced controller for process measurement and data recording
As multifunctional controllers for process measurement, control and data logging, the TPG361 and TPG362 active pressure gauge controllers are designed to work seamlessly with a wide range of active compact pressure gauges. They efficiently manage and log data across a comprehensive pressure range from 10-10 to 1500 mbar (10-10 to 1125 Torr).

- Easy-to-use dot matrix menu interface for adjusting parameters, sensors or general settings
- Clearly visible and bright display for remote reading of device data
- Bar graph for visualizing setpoints or displaying pressure over time
- Data log and parameter backup function with USB stick (front side)
- Firmware updates are available online or via USB stick
- Two free definable setpoints per channel with adjustable hysteresis
- High-precision data evaluation with a 16-bit A/D converter
- Automatic identification of the INFICON active compact gauges
- Ethernet- und RS485- und USB interface
Brochures & Data Sheets
TPG361, TPG362 Vacuum Gauge Controllers Data Sheet