Excellent Performance and Great Value for General Vacuum Applications
As manufacturing technologies advance and quality standards change, the need to understand your process and maintain product quality is more important than ever. Transpector MPS can help you optimize your process by monitoring process conditions, detecting contaminants, and checking for leaks.

Transpector MPS offers the robust performance of the Transpector brand of RGA at an excellent value for our customers.
Transpector MPS is available in both 100 amu and 200 amu versions, which gives you the flexibility of performing a wide variety of functions including general leak detection, vacuum diagnostics, and hydrocarbon analysis. This versatility makes Transpector MPS the sensor of choice for vacuum furnace, heat treating, and vacuum coating applications.
- Dual filaments
- Field replaceable Electron Multiplier
- Field replaceable anode, cathode and repeller filament assembly
- Interchangeable sensors and electronics
- TCP/IP Ethernet connectivity
- Shorter sensors minimize installed footprint
- Nine-decade dynamic range
- Max. data rate of 3 ms per point for analog scans and selected peaks
- MDPP of <1.5E-14 Torr
- Sensors are assembled, tested and double bagged in a cleanroom environment
- RoHS Compliant
Brochures & Data Sheets
Transpector® MPS, Transpector® MPH Residual Gas Analyzers for General Vacuum Applications Brochure